
Pregnancy Diagnosis Tips for Dogs

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The due date (parturition date) is best determined by the ovulation date, not by the breeding date.

If the ovulation date is known, then the due date is
~61 to 63 days after ovulation.

If the ovulation date is not known, then the due date is
~56 to 72 days after breeding.

Can diagnose radiographically when fetal skeletons are mineralized, which begins at ~45 days after ovulation.

The recommendation is to radiograph during the last week of gestation, or ~55 to 60 days after ovulation.

Radiology can help determine pregnancy, conformational abnormalities, fetal skeleton sizes, estimate a fetal count, and estimate gestational age.

Obtain a lateral abdominal radiology view.

The most common method to ESTIMATE a puppy count is by counting the spines, skulls, and/or ribs.

Extra: Pregnancy is also called the gestation period.
Whelping is the process of giving birth.

Can you ESTIMATE the puppy šŸ¶ count in this picture?

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